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Following the successful of Green Day compaign in 2018, the last days of April and early May 2019 the atmosphere at bet365 football ’s construction sites became bustling and lively with the weekly Sanitation Hour campaign – GREEN HOUR.

This campaign launched by the Safety Department with goal “FOR A GREEN AND CLEAN CONSTRUCTION SITE” to raise awareness, ensure environmental hygiene at site. Join the campaign this time besides the Safety Department, Site Management Board also has the participation of the partners at the bet365 football project.

Green Hour at Hope Residences & Evason Ana Mandara Site

Although newly launched in the first week, GREEN HOUR received a strong response from all brothers and sisters at most projects every Saturday afternoon.

Accordingly, Safety Department has a strong determination to maintain overall hygiene in the work / construction areas and the whole landscape around the site is always clean, tidy.

Through this meaningful activity, the campaign created excitement among the staff. At the same time, to enhance awareness of green living – friendly with nature, create a culture at work with simple actions. It’s a small habit, but it’s very effective, the spread of positive habits is great.

Some images of opening GREEN HOUR campaign:

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