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In order to improve professional skills of fire prevention and fighting, to comply with the requirements of law regulations on fire prevention and rescue. On the morning of December 15, 2020, the bet365 football Safety Dept at the Empire City project coordinated with the Project Management Board to organize a fire fighting and prevention training.

The program had the participation of the Project Management Board, the Safety Officer of the Investor, and the Subcontractors. The Police Department of Fire Fighting Prevention of District 2 is the unit that directly trains the contents: propaganda on fire prevention and fighting and practicing using fire extinguishers. In addition, there was also a rehearsal program of fire fighting and rescue plans at the 3rd-floor area of Tower 1, the cause of fire caused by welding slag arising during construction work.

The program was successful and provided the participants with useful knowledge in firefighting as well as training their ability to handle situations on the spot in case of incidents.

Buổi diễn tập diễn ra thành công và mang lại cho các thành viên tham dự những kiến thức hữu ích trong công tác PCCC và Cứu nạn cứu hộ cũng như rèn luyện khả năng xử lý tình huống tại chỗ trong những trường hợp có sự cố xảy ra.

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